Youth Summer Sessions

Welcome to Summer Sessions! Every Sunday for the next six weeks, (26 July–30 August) we’ll be releasing a Younger Youth Journal and PDF booklet at 9am, and a Summer Sessions Service at 4:30pm over on our YouTube channel (HTB Youth). We’ll also be releasing a Summer Sessions Podcast every Tuesday over on our Spotify.

See below for how to find everything you need

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Each Sunday at 4:30 we’ll be joining together on YouTube to worship, explore a series on joy and connect with each other in the comments. Click on each title and it will take you to the video that will premiere on the day.

26 July - Intro to joy

2 August – Rejoicing in the struggle

9 August – Remain joyful

16 August – Why should we be joyful?

23 August – Joy and worship

30 August – How do we become more joyful?

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The Younger Youth journal is a short talk that goes alongside a PDF workbook, ideal for year 6-8 (but could work for any age). The series is called ‘Bible stories revisited’ in this series we are going to explore some well known bible stories from an angle that you might not have looked at before. Click on the title for the video and the PDF for the workbook.

26 July – Noah’s Ark / PDF

2 August – David and Goliath / PDF

9 August – Daniel and the Lion’s den / PDF

16 August – Jonah and the Whale / PDF

23 August – The Good Samaritan / PDF

30 August – The Women at the well / PDF

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Welcome to "Honest Conversations", a six-part podcast series where we will be exploring the topic of "The Cardinal Sins". Each week we will be joined by some of our wonderful youth leaders and young people as they shed wisdom on these themes. A new episode will be released every Tuesday on Spotify which you can click here to listen to.