School of
In 2022 we are running School of Theology in person. Time for worship, study, and an opportunity to connect with those also studying. SoT takes place on Monday nights, 6:30-8:30 pm at HTB Courtfield Gardens, SW5.
School of Theology Connect
School of Theology Connect runs once a term online! This course is perfect for anyone and you can access it easily via your laptop, phone, or tablet! It has never been easy to start your theological journey and get connected. SoT Connect takes place on Monday nights, 7-8 pm via Zoom.
For more information about the courses, please email or follow us on twitter @SPTCuk
course dates
4 Weeks
£40 per track
(SoT Connect)
£60 per track
(SoT in person)
In-person and on Zoom
School of Theology is our introductory course to theology. It is perfect for anyone who would like to deepen their faith and understanding of the Bible, for those who have recently come to faith, or those who have been Christians for many years. In 2020/21 we had over 600 students join one of our online courses.
For more information, click here.