HTB Queen’s Gate Community update 25
September Blog
We are so excited to welcome you to the re-opening of HTB Queen's Gate onsite, this Sunday 20th September.
We will be starting back slowly with one joint service at 10am and can't wait to host you altogether for this wonderful occasion. In order to attend, you will need to register for one of the 60 tickets online. (Please click here to book your ticket now.)
Please come early as we plan to open the doors at 9:35am and will look to close them at around 9:55-10am in order to safely get everyone seated. Your ticket will be scanned and you will then be shown to your seat by one of our welcome team.
We can’t wait to see you there!
Lots of love,
Tom and Sarah Jackson
HTB Queen’s Gate RE-OPENING Sunday service
September 20th 10am
We can’t wait to welcome you back to HTB Queen’s Gate in person. Please come with your mask, ticket and please keep all belongings on you throughout the service.
For those of you who are unable to join us in person this Sunday, you will be able to join us live from 10am via the following zoom link.
Meeting ID: 816 0027 5692
Password: HTBQG
Happy Silver Wedding Anniversary Tom and Sarah!
We couldn’t let this one go by without saying a massive congratulations to this wonderful couple! They are incredibly passionate in all their work, always going out their way to bless others and helping those in need. They have faithfully served HTB Queen’s Gate for over 2 years and we couldn’t be more thankful for their kind, generous hearts, Godly wisdom and leadership.
Jackson’s we are so grateful for all you do, thank you!
The HTB Love Your Neighbour campaign has so far helped deliver over 500,000 hot meals! Thank you so much to everyone who has continued to help as well as link up people for daily/weekly phone calls.
what’S on this week
Try alpha
Why not try Alpha online, or recommend it to a friend, new course starting on Wednesday 9th September.
Tuesdays 8.00 - 9.00am
We are coming together each Tuesday morning at 8am on ZOOM for 40 minutes of dynamic, faith-filled prayer. Join us as we cry out for God’s Kingdom Come on earth as in Heaven.
Find more information about HTB Prayer Online here.
HTB at Home
Don’t forget to tune in to HTB at Home this Sunday from 9:30am until 10:30pm.
Monday to Friday 8:30-9.00am
It's open to everyone and especially those who appreciate more liturgical prayer and worship opportunities using the Church of England Morning Prayer liturgy..
Zoom Meeting ID: 798 0837 8873
Password: prayer
“With many in our country on lockdown, it’s important that we support those who are feeling lonely and isolated, whatever age they are."
Archbishop Justin Welby
HTB Groups
September is a great time to join a new group:
Groups are a great place to build new friendships, deepen your faith and develop a community. It's easy to get involved, if you haven’t joined one already, please do sign up here and someone from HTB will get back to you shortly. We also run two wonderful groups specifically for Queen’s Gate and you would be most welcome to join:
Josh and Esli Lees: Aimed at (roughly) 20s and 30s, meeting fortnightly on Zoom, Tuesday 8.00pm-9.00pm. Email Josh at if you would like to join in.
Nic Shearer: Aimed at all ages meeting weekly on Zoom on Tuesdays at 7.00pm. Anyone is welcome to join, please email Nic: and you will be sent a link to join in. Newcomers are always welcome.
Pause and pray
For wisdom and protection upon our church leaders and congregations as we open all 5 sites at HTB this Sunday!
For all the online courses beginning at HTB including Alpha, bereavement, marriage course and tastelife.
For Love Your Neighbour to continue to change and impact lives.
For everyone’s health to keep well and God’s peace to be with those in need.
God bless you all,
With lots of love, Tom, Sarah, Emmy, Josh, Ruth and Joanna