HTB Queen’s Gate Community update 22



During the month of August we want to allow more time to rest and get ready for the term ahead. This is a great chance to get to know a few more members of our congregation - scroll down to see what they have been up to, hear their stories and thoughts on lockdown, and listen to some light worship.

God bless,

Joanna and the QG team.


Queen’s Gate Sunday zoom


August 30th 9am

Please join us on Sunday 30 August as one congregation at 9am. Emmy Wilson, Josh Lees and special guest Michael Emmett will be leading us in the daily Liturgy, followed by some worship, prayer and time to catch up over coffee.

Grab a coffee, a bible and we look forward to seeing you there. The Zoom code remains the same:

Zoom Meeting ID: 927 8231 9256
Password: 031187
Zoom Link


Faith with Haith

A look at life through the lens of faith, with various guest speakers

Click on the link above to check out this resource of short conversations led by Jamie Haith interviewing some familiar names including our very own Emmy Wilson, Paul Cowley and some of you may even remember Michael Emmett. Michael will also be joining us live on our Sunday morning zoom - so do listen to his conversation here and join us then to hear more.

August Lite Interviews

Dalva kluss


1. How long have you been coming to HTB and what do you enjoy about HTB Queen’s Gate?

I used to be at HTB Brompton and then to HTB Onslow Sq and when the early service moved to QG, I went along. I enjoy the early start.

2. What has been one thing you have enjoyed about lockdown?

I enjoyed the flexibility of working from home and going for long walks in between, along the River Thames at first and then Kew Gardens.

3. What is your favourite piece of music?

Favourite piece is too difficult, I love Bach’s St Matthews Passion and also film scores by Ennio Morricone and John Williams and the Beatles and Queen and Jimmi Hendrix and…

4. What do you feel God has been saying to the church during this time?

I think God is saying: attention please, I am here; I have a stock-taking feeling of being still, and considering about things that are really important and where I am with them.

Tessa and Mike Hardingham

1. How long have you been coming to HTB and what do you enjoy about HTB Queen’s Gate?

A couple of years, having moved from other HTB sites.

2. What has been one thing you have enjoyed about lockdown?

We enjoyed the quiet, the opportunity for getting outside when it was so much less busy everywhere, and the glorious weather we had.

3. What is your favourite piece of music?

We love a lot of different music, and especially Chopin nocturnes. We love the music at Queen’s Gate.

4. What do you feel God has been saying to the church during this time?

The need to pray more, for our country, our world and each other.

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Pause and pray

Take some time to declare God’s faithfulness and love over your life today using Psalm 89 as a prayer:

‘I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you have established your faithfulness in heaven itself. ‘

Lord, speak to us today.



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Love Your Neighbour

The HTB Love Your Neighbour campaign has so far helped deliver groceries to a number of our Queen’s Gate congregation as well as link up people for daily/weekly phone calls.

LYN are looking for tutors throughout August - get in touch with Joanna if you would like to help.

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The Daily hope phone line was launched yesterday by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

“With many in our country on lockdown, it’s important that we support those who are feeling lonely and isolated, whatever age they are."

Archbishop Justin Welby


HTB at Home

Don’t forget to tune in to HTB at Home this Sunday from 9:30am until 10:30pm.

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Try alpha

Why not try Alpha online, or recommend it to a friend, there is a new course starting every Wednesday morning and evening.



Why not join one below?

Josh and Esli Lees: Aimed at (roughly) 20s and 30s, meeting fortnightly on Zoom, Tuesday 8.00pm-9.00pm. Email Josh at if you would like to join in or start in the new term beginning in September.

Nic Shearer: Aimed at all ages meeting weekly on Zoom on Tuesdays at 7.00pm and continuing to meet throughout August. Anyone is welcome to join, please email Nic: and you will be sent a link to join in. Newcomers are always welcome.

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God bless you all,

With lots of love, Tom, Sarah, Emmy, Josh, Ruth and Joanna

Joanna Gill